I can tell that you put allot of effort into this, but I have to be honest, the only character that I even found remotely believable was Hazel, and even that was broken half way through.
Pretty much everything that happened, I could see coming from a mile away, and the scene in the music room felt like something that I would had read in my high school creative writing class.
With that established, I do have to commend your efforts in the actual animation, and general choreography itself, not many people bother with frame by frame anymore, and I can appreciate your style choices for most of the characters that have been revealed so far. I also applaud you for your background art, even if it aint the best, hey it adds allot of quality to this animation.
I also enjoyed most of the camera work in the first half, the blur effect you gave the clock as Hazel woke up was a nice touch, and most other scenes were shot at decent angles as well.
Lastly, the music quality was quite high for an independent flash animation (I assume you use flash, but am aware that there are other programs), in fact this is probably the first flash on Newgrounds that i've seen, that utilized an electric piano, if only briefly, but none the less a welcome sound indeed.
I may come off as a bit harsh in this review, granted that the only animation that I have uploaded to this site so far is a shitty TMNT animutation many years ago, I feel that I can attribute most of my gripes, to the fact that its often hard to properly introduce one's characters, without making them out to be charicatures of the original idea that the artist had in mind for them. Either way, all in all, not the worst start to a series I have ever seen, but it will need to remedy the flaws made in this pilot episode, in the second one.
Best of Luck,