up the nose with the rubber hose :3
up the nose with the rubber hose :3
sprite and sprite i gets ya , lol
dont you look at me
good job nice statement lol i gets ya :3
a good vote for a good day
great job
great job scott get back on aim ur never there :3
what year is tankmen set in
ive always wonderd that, did you just put 20xx not to offend poeple or could not think of any thing lol, and what do tankmen fight for, it seems all there world is is random dick jokes, and violence, what does the oposing army of tankmen fight for tankmen is funny but also intrieging to the mind of a future alternative then once predick ted lol, also will there ever be any more tankmen episodes, if not how wil you just end it all, well awsome jobprobly no one could do beter them selfs, so yay all in all 5/5 10/10 :3
im not sure exactly, i guess nobody will ever know.
if u did make this
then great job
its a great job then
i went in and im not sorry
but i used protection so lol :3
awesome bra
A dead man once told me you need to learn to draw before you can be an animator, I took him on his words and have been learning to do just that. Wouldn't say I'm a draftsman yet, but I should probably start practicing the animating part of animation now.
Age 30, Male
The Internet
Joined on 6/22/09